SEVENVIEW CLIENT-BUILDER the first development tools RAD
for industrial automation and scientific application. HMI,SCADA,LIMS,HACCP,NAFEM,DataBASE ecc.
MySEVENVIEW CLIENT-BUILDER developer and runner with your brand logo and name, kill your competitors with a new global solution.
and more, discover all the capacity of this incredible development tools.

MI BUILDER (Comfort Machine Interface)
Every serious company developing machines,
or any other technical product used by humans should include usability considerations in their design process.
even the biggest and most renowned companies sometimes sell products with quite a poor and confusing user interface.
This happen because normally control firmware and user interface are in the same project, and software. In this mode, the
developer is normally focused on control problem, and the user interface will be a second step, somtimes very poor step.
MI Builder solve this problem, it permit to manage the control software and user interface as different job. Finally, it compile all in a sigle
firmware, or a firmware loading project.
XFRAMES ( IT Application Dev. Framework )
XFrames is a comprehensive productivity layer that simplifies building of
complex IT Client /Server application n-tier.
It simplifies building applications as a set of business services with Web, Scripting (7Script,VBscript,JScript), and Rich Client interfaces.
XFrames accelerates development with free modules, already implemented and ready to use that you'd otherwise have to code, test, and debug by hand.
Since its implementation is based on standards and its features embody years of experience from FLK's own business application developers.
Your XFrame-powered applications are high-performance, well-architected, and portable.
XFrame provides a flexible, end-to-end application infrastructure, with an integrated RAD visual design tools,
that accommodates your technology choices in each architectural layer, and help you throughout the complete application lifecycle management.